Minecraft Realstic Shaders & Textures


Requirements are at down 👇 
please read them before installation
& Minecraft best version for textures

Minecraft Realistic textures & Shaders

Shaders: Minecraft Shaders 

Minecraft best Textures and shaders. These textures some blocks are just 
created by me and some blocks images I get from the internet
and some blocks by clicking photos 
Please Support me & and Subscribe to my channel, My video link is also given
On the upside, you can watch those video, which gives you a guide to applying textures
------System Requirements are here-------------------

Minimum system requirements are: 4Gb Ram
Recommended:6Gb Ram

                         \\\|||| Minecart  Version ||||///
Optifine 1.14 is Recommended  for these textures

🎕Thanks For visiting